Similarity check

Plagiarism check in Remindo

When to use?

This is only to be used when testing from home. Because this can only be executed on open-ended questions (so not multiple-choice, fill-in etc.). The test can have multiple types of questions and the plagiarism control will only look at the open-ended questions.

To reduce the risk of plagiarism, other measures that prevent fraud remain important. This could be a short time-limit for the test itself; different varieties of the test, so the students receive a similar exam through either a different order of questions or comparable versions.

please note: The questions need to have text in it. There are also some files in the upload-question with which the plagiarism check will not function well.

What is the advice educationally?

It is important to ask yourself, as a teacher, the following questions:

Can I do the test on location?
The rule of thumb is that the test takes place on location. If that were to be impossible through, for example, corona related measures, testing at home is an option.  Check with your degree programme and/or Board of Examiners whether this is allowed and how.

Are my questions suited for plagiarism checks?
Because a short question with a uniform answer, is likely to have a higher percentage of plagiarism even though it’s perfectly reasonable that answers are very comparable in this question. It could also be the case that the type of question is not very suited for source recognition and similarities like, for example, mathematical questions.


Plan the test

When planning a new moment for a test, it is possible to indicate if you want to check for plagiarism on open questions (test moments are mainly created by your key-user; let your key-user know you preferences for plagiarism checks).

After selecting yes, the answers to the open questions of the test will be sent to Ouriginal after the test is handed in.

Please note: Ouriginal will only check answers with a minimum number of characters. If an open question remains unanswered or contains less than 430 characters, Ouriginal will not be able to check that answer for plagiarism. In these cases, in the overview of test results the percentage found for these questions will remain empty:

It is possible to check whether or not the check was performed for a specific test result by opening the action log of that specific test.

The action log shows that an answer is not checked (and the total number of words in the answer)

Please note: during or after a test has finished, it is no longer possible to activate Ouriginal’s plagiarism check. If activation before the start of a test is forgotten, the check is no longer possible via Remindo.

Please note 2: During a test students can’t see that answers are checked on plagiarism via Ouriginal. Teachers will need to inform their students beforehand that their work is going to be checked for plagiarism.

Open rapport plagiarism

After the test, Ouriginal processes the answers. This can take some time.
When the check is completed, the report will be available via the results overview. The percentage plagiarism is shown as an indication. The meaning of this percentage differs per test, the area of expertise, expected use of language and other contextual matters. Please consider these factors when looking at the result. For more information regarding the analyse, please consult Ouriginal’s manual.

To open the plagiarism report, click on the eye symbol. A new screen will open, click ‘open report in new window’.

After clicking ‘open report in new window’, the Ouriginal login screen will show up on your screen. Log on in the usual way with solisid and password via the Institution ‘Utrecht University’.

After logging in, the report of the student opens. For more information on this report, see the Ouriginal support site.

Please note: In Remindo it is possible to anonymize the results. During correction, Remindo does not show the name of the student. In the plagiarism report, however, the name of the student is visible, so the plagiarism report is not anonymous.

(anonymous) correction

When correcting students’ answers, Remindo shows the plagiarism indication. From this screen it is also possible to navigate to the report of the results (similar to navigation via ‘all results’).

Please note: In Remindo it is possible to anonymize the results. During correction, Remindo does not show the name of the student. In the plagiarism report, however, the name of the student is visible. So, the plagiarism report is not anonymous!

Practice test

When a practice test can be corrected by the student, no results of the plagiarism check will be available during the correction.

During a review of the practice exam the plagiarism check will not be visible. The teacher can, however, see the plagiarism report through the details of the test result.